Shame on you, In my own point of view. People who wants suicide (RANT)
-Whoever you are. I literally am tired of hearing your stupid shit. No one literally cares about how you want to die then go die on your own. Seriously tho? Casually saying about how the environment treats you but you have someone you love and you care about them and now you wanna die? You're basically eating your own shit. You blab about how you wanna end your life not even thinking about how people "you care about" would feel about your disappearance. Like bitch, not to be offensive but you're basically right about wanting to suicide. People like you should not have existed in the first place. Instead of being grateful about how you're breathing right now and with your condition, there are people that are literally suffering and you act so entitled. Casually saying you wanna die but you're actually finding some sort of comfort that you can cope on what the fuck? Then die bitch.
Wtf yes there are others going through horrible physical pain but depression is mental pain, and pain is just horrible and hard to deal with. You’re literally so ignorant wtf is wrong with you. reply