What is this shoujo bonkers
hold up, what kind of shoujo do some fucking read that some users managed to convinced themselves that the shoujo genre is toxic because of female leads and characters?
Ahem excuse me but the question thread of why reasons people become interested in the bl genre is because the shoujo female leads are always portrayed to be bitchy. Bitchy how? Like how authors portray a lot of jealous characters? What's wrong with that? Could it be that when there's a female character you don't find appealing, some suddenly finds that bitchy?
Huh? What shoujos do yall read or something?
Like I've read a lot of good shoujos mangas in mangadex and I often cannot get how some* people would always look at that genre stereotypically for having a lot misportrayals when you can read some good ones.
Man, idk, this kinda sounds bonkers. I'm not trying to sound rude, I just don't like it when a good genre like shoujo is covered as a genre full of bitches to some* of people's views. It's that shoujo is a great genre for me, just because some people didn't have good experiences reading it or that they just don't find the entire genre appealing, they don't have to call it bonkers and toxic tho.
And you can answer this question...
What kind of shoujos do some* people read that they'd think the whole genre is bitchy and toxic?
Weakness, submission as soon as the man shows up. If the author was generous enough to give them a proper personality, they often lose it.
The man is often manipulative and controlling, forcibly intrudes on that woman's life and choices.
The gentle, blushing waif who is just such a good and kind person who just wants to get married and have kids......
11 12,2020