I don’t know if this an unpopular opinion
Before I start of on this, I just wanna say; this is just my opinion in what I’ve seen so far. I don’t think this applies to every manga, I just see those tropes a lot. I might be totally wrong about this so don’t kill me.
I feel like in manga most characters are carbon copies of each other with like different hair colors. And I mean it’s fine to have a similar art style for your characters but I feel like it’s the same exact body type every time and it follows the same exact character design troupes
Like have y’all ever noticed that like every character in manga is extremely pale and when there is one darker skinned character they are typically the aggressive one (in a relationship) or seen by everyone else as intimidating and are always the seme/top and idk i might be over sensitive but that kinda rubs me the wrong way
And men in manga are seemingly either unrealistically buff (despite never going to the gym ever or doing anything to maintain their body type) or built like an f-cking actual twig
(and look extremely feminine, which I’m not saying is a bad thing btw) [and typically the twig and feminine character design only applies to bottoms (which feels very heteronormative)].
And when there is an overweight character, they are either constantly made fun of or a creepy old p/rvert.
Oh and this has been talked about a million times but in straight sm/t the bland “short black hair, average looking protagonist that treats women like objects and gets women who look like supermodels to fight over him” troupe is incredibly over used. Like I get that it’s nice to have a self insert for the (predominately male) audience, but could you maybe be even a little bit more original or at least give him a decent personality???
Oh and women are either incredibly thin or have giant bo/bs and a tiny waist. So like absolutely no realistic proportions.
I just feel like manga characters have virtually no diversity.
When’s the last time you saw an overweight character, or a woman with really short hair, or a character with piercings, or a young adult male character with facial hair, or a ftm trans character? I mean I know this doesn’t apply to every manga but it’s kinda frustrating because artists have so much to work with but churn out almost Identical unmemorable character designs
Anyway I’m done complaining; feel free to leave some more ridiculous character design problems in the comments if you agree