which one are you?
classmate addition
1. The know-it-all
2. The one that's always eating
3. The class clown
4. The class clown that's actually funny
5. The bully
6. The one that get's along with everyone(including the teachers)
7. The one that's always doodling in the back of the class
8. The quiet kid
9. The ghetto kid
10. The anime nerd(weeb)
11. The pick me girl
12. The one that's always getting into fights
13. The one who changes boyfriends/girlfriends every 2 weeks
14. The dumb looking student that's actually hella smart
15. The attention seeker/drama starter
16. The one that doesn't know what's going on
17. The one everyone hates
18. The one that's in the bathroom 24/7
18. I excuse myself to take 5 minute naps
16. They never tell me about projects n shit
8. I always find ways to distract myself from class so ye
07 12,2020