You know what’s really fun to think about?
The fact that you probably don’t have much free will, if any.
The fact that the yellow stone volcano can erupt at literally any time and completely end the world (we’d all die) and there isn’t anything we can do about it AND is overdue for an eruption.
The fact 1/3 of the worlds population lives in a backsliding democracy and f@cism is on the rise.
The fact that your life is slowly ticking by and this is seemingly the only one you get.
The fact that finding evidence of past alien life has dangerous implications about the fate of humanity
(for more info: )
The fact that scientists still don’t know why we are conscious or what consciousness even is. We don’t even know if other animals are conscious.
The fact that there are other dimensions that may hold other beings that we can’t see because we can’t see those dimensions. There could be a living being in your room and you wouldn’t know. It explains the feeling of being watched while being “completely alone”.
The fact that genetic engineering could possibly mean “designer babies” (where people pick out their baby’s physical traits) or even completely getting rid of any negative emotions. (And genetic engineering is being worked on NOW)
The fact that billionaires are destroying the environment to make an extra buck and we are going to have to live through the horrific consequences.
The fact that we might be living in a simulation.
The fact that you can’t prove the world around you exists.
Y’all I’m having an existential crisis.
I might as well share.
The fact that you are writing this with no purpose.
The fact that am liking your weird shit.
The fact that i am weird shit.
Might as well use this for article writing projects or something.
07 12,2020