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If you ever miss your moms eggs benidict, don’t go to her, go to me, I’ll make you a crabby patty, because parents shouldn’t disown their own children, in fact you should disown her for disowning you.. she’s cancelled in my book. Anyway, you still want the crabby patty?   reply
06 12,2020
Fish but it was like crispy, the inside had a very smooth texture, it was orange on the outside and white on the inside.   reply
06 12,2020
brocolli, it was the least disgustingout of all the shit my family ever forced me to eat.   reply
06 12,2020
Eggs benedict I haven't heard that since my fnaf phase   reply
06 12,2020
Hotdogs and marshmallows on stick. Pic from Google   reply
07 12,2020
I loved it when my dad made spaghetti when I was little. Now, I still love his spaghetti but dining with my 'family' isn't as enjoyable as it used to be. I also miss my Mama's french toast, I remember I used to LOVE them. Ah...Good ol' times.   reply
07 12,2020