is a fake website made by mangago?? every time i leave my safari app for a while and then get back on to read i see that my tab has been replaced w/
also ive been reading the articles on that site and it’s just like half a paragraph long, not to mention if you scroll alll the way to the bottom of mangagos homepage you’ll see fashionlib’s + two more beauty related sites listed at the bottom.
I'm not really sure if its fake or not, but if you have an actual account it won't direct you to fashionlib after you've exited out. When you make an account it doesn't do that. But if you really don't want to make one look at your browser history and it should just tell you which chapter and page you were on. All you have to do is remember which s...... 1 reply
Yup they own it, I guess it's so people make account, and if people go onto that tab they don't find out you read yaoi, and think your just looking at fashion things lol. reply