i hope i anger some people but hopefullly yall are asleep
FUCKKKK. i was in the comment section for "at the end of the road" because commentary yk and i like to know what people are saying about my little baby manhwa. i will not allow anyone to disrespect it.
anyway, some of yall have the absolute NERVE to say it would be "better with a sex scene". bitch. BITCH. send the @ because this story is so much more than "yaoi" you piece of shit. and this is a problem with a lot of other shounens. the comments are always like "uwu aww so much wasted potential no yaoi? grrr". like its the open fetishizing for me???
especially when its a genuinely fantastic plot like oh my lord and some of yall have the audacity to complain about quality too? buy the fucking COMIC on the sites if you want good quality. one day im literally gonna shit my pants like the little snowflake i am
Aaaah it's like you are speaking from my heart. People are entitled and free to state their opinion but that doesn't mean they cannot be stupid. Dude if you're horny just fuck off (︶︿︶)=凸
Also why does a sex scene make a story even better? Just why??
05 12,2020