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not some of ya'll jus puttin aave chile....   reply
17 12,2020
starting my sentences with “uhhhhh” everytime i speak especially in my online classes hsjdhfkdhfkd also saying “i mean...” i feel like it expresses my point better ?????   reply
06 12,2020
literally every emoji that exists   1 reply
22 12,2020
calling ppl "love, babe, darling, honey, baby" also ayooooo, fr fr, bruh, thats sus i want it to STOP   reply
22 12,2020
Substitute swear words like fudge, duck, frig, and frick-frack instead of saying fuck. For shit I say shrimp, soup, shiitake mushrooms, and chet instead. And I say crab instead of crap even tho I know crap isn’t even really a swear word. (now noticing all the food I think I might just actually be hungry)   reply
21 01,2021
Okie doki artie choukki, I have no idea why this word I made when I was in 3rd grade just stuck to my vocabulary (I don't even know how its spelled tbh, this was just a random guess) i guess i can also add that i sometimes call my friends or fictional characters as "honey" or "darling" in a motherly way, i don't know why, just think of them as my c......   reply
04 12,2020
Honey; Sweetheart; Darling; I started saying those as a compensation for being too mean in a conversation   1 reply
05 12,2020
“Mother trucker Dude that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick” I said that as a joke cus of that one vine but now I say it like it’s a normal thing to say   1 reply
16 06,2021
I've been calling my friends 'babe' and 'luv' so often it doesn't even sound flirty anymore   1 reply
22 12,2020