I'm just venting

Spoon Spoon 2020-12-02 10:41:28 About losing will to do anything
I'm just in a really depressed mood. I feel like a burden and I'm honestly thinking that I'm more trouble that I'm worth. Nothing I do is good enough and I'm frustrated. I'm tired of being told I'm lazy and/or stupid all the time. I'm trying my best but it seems like my best isnt enough and I'm just so done with everything. I wanna talk to friends but I don't want to bother them or that they wont understand. I'm kind of losing my will. My drive to do things. Why am I working do hard? Idk. I dont think I have the passion to do much in life. I just want to stop feeling so bad all the time. Just needed to vent the feelings that have been building up. I'll be okay after a while. Complaining is all I can really do at the moment but w/e

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