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the boys who would always point at yo shoes and say “WHAT ARE THOSE” like bitch MOVE OUTTA MY FACE WIT DAT SHIT OH and them girls who use to bring hot pickles to school everyday and say “da fawk” in every sentence   reply
30 11,2020
the guys who would juke u in the hallways or crumple a pice of paper and shoot it in the trash and say '' kobe'' like no bitch u aint making it to the NBA so sit the fuck down before i trick shot yo ass   reply
30 11,2020
Annoying: The bitches who used to make edits of THEMSELVES on instagram and spam them on their story Actually bad: The pick me girls who didn't hang out with girls because they were "too dramatic"   reply
30 11,2020
Those fuckwads who talk to you in math class like, "how many swear words do you know?" "Do you own crop tops?" "Are you gay?" And then there's those people who like, stand in the hallway making tiktoks, purposely blocking ur path, lying on the floor, and the people who follow them and stand in front of your locker.   1 reply
30 11,2020

hate myself

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