i've adopted 4 cats in my life. or so my family i guess? i couldnt really adopt my past cats because i wasnt of age [still technically not of age, but i work at a vet who takes in strays so i slip through the cracks lol]
when i was little i really loved cats and i wanted one desperately as a child, and so luckily for christmas got a black and white kitten who i named lightning! :D he was super cute and got super fat lol, and only like me he would get super sassy to everyone else. he would always try to get out and we ended up letting him go outside at two because he would come back and he wouldnt go far he would usually just be in our yard and or neighbors and we live in town where its not busy. yet somehow when he was 3 years old some asshole hit him and left him there... and it was a 25 mph zone, so theyre speeding here and they hit animal and just leave it there to suffer because when we found him he was in front of our house in the middle of the street and he wasnt like squished or anything or like impaled he just had internal trauma and was bleeding from the mouth, so these assholes just hit an animal and left it out in the heat dying slowly... which is why i hate humans... i cried forever like went into a depression because he was my best friend and i loved him with everything i had. i remember i buried my stuffed animal that looked like him and we buried him in a blanket and i would give him flowers all the time
my parents saw how depressed i was about him and ended up adopting my current cat at my moms, Jet, whos the cutest big fat tom cat and hes grey and white :) i love him hes just the most sweet and loving cat he doesnt care who you are or what you do to him. he helped me get over lightning's death and was about 2 or 3 when we got him. he hugs you and hes super sweet to our kitten! like a big dad lol. hes about 8 or 9 now!!!
and at my dads we got cass the ass. because hes an ass. and super fat and gross LOL. he really pretty green eyes that are blue on the inside. but hes a little mean/bi polar. he loves to be pet but then freaks out and scratches or bites you randomly and he doesnt clean himself so he smells and sheds a lot even though hes DSH. hes black and white like lightning was. his real name is sebastain but i call him cass the ass cuz hes a big ass :) and hes one of those cats thats has to be all over you when your eating and has to drink out your cup and no where else. hes actually going to get a bath and shaved at my work because hes so smelly and keeps getting into things and my dads allegric and since he keeps shedding because he doesnt clean himself where just shaving for now so we can get rid of 3 years of hair that he just doesnt lick..... hes probably around 6 now?
and the last cat i adopted is the one i adopted myself and is MY BABY!!! his name is marshmallow and hes a crossed-eye flame-point siamese kitten he turns one year next month!!! he is so imprinted to me :') when i first got me we had to keep him my room when no one was home w/ a litter box because we got him when he wasnt even a month yet, he was found just wandering around town scared. and my mom was so grossed out because he would sleep in my boxers lol. and he knew when i came home you would see a little puff ball come running to me right when i came in the door and he would sleep on me all night. and he still does. he literally kisses me when i go "BABY!!" he comes running to me and he loves me and is a little freak and is scared of everyone and everything and only lets me pick him up. my cat jet and him are like in love they ARE LICKING EACH OTHER 24/7 and laying with each other all the time
and heres some pictures of jet and marshmallow aka baby!!!

they are sooooooooooooooooooo cute
waaaah!! thank u!! ( Q o Q )//
Awwww, your cats are so precious. I have 3 dogs myself adopted from a family friend when they were puppies. Animals are cinnamon rolls that has to be given lots of love.
thank u!!! ( ' v ' ) // i agree animals r just.... the best reason 2 be alive. TELL ME ABOUT UR DOGS!!! i lov animals so much
All of them are chihuahuas (lol). The oldest is 6 yrs old, her name is Kira. She's vicious when she wants to be, she prefers to be left alone, but she still loves to be held. She's such a babe though. The second one is Maya and she's 4 years old. I don't think she ever runs out of energy cause she's always so happy and willing to play at anytime of day. I can't even take a nap with her cause she would run back and forth across my back to wake me up. She has learned how to climb up fences as long as someone is stablizing her with a hand on her back. The youngest is Luna and she's a year old. Out of all of them she's the most spoiled since Maya and Kira are outside dogs, while she's an inside dog. She even gets to sleep in my bed with me. She likes to nip and gnaw on things, but when she sleeps she will sleep wherever she wants. I've nicknamed her Little Asshole because she would push herself onto pillows she wants to sleep on, regardless of whether my head is on it or not.