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nana. 26 11,2020
i learned how to play twinkle twinkle with my violin it sounds worst lol   reply
26 11,2020
Jesus 26 11,2020
my cat ate my sock.   reply
26 11,2020
[DELETED] 26 11,2020
Had two breakdowns, feel empty and depressed, so anyway I’m going to the store( with my mask ofc) y’all want something?   2 reply
26 11,2020
26 11,2020
Just gave myself a new tattoo so I’m pretty happy   1 reply
26 11,2020
Happy cause YOI's movie, Ice adolescence's teaser trailer got released. Depressed cause I have 3 assignments left, I need a drawing tablet but I'm not getting it(╯°Д °)╯╧╧   1 reply
26 11,2020
Nine 26 11,2020
I worked on a group research paper alone for a whole day. All my groupmates suck, but I can't let my grades fall because I want a better future where I leave my house and leave all the toxic people behind. But now, I am having a mental breakdown, realizing that life is just full responsibilities and here I am striving each day, working my ass off f......   2 reply
26 11,2020
Hwan Yoon
26 11,2020
It’s been going good, I too didn’t get much sleep but you know sometimes reading the weirdest shit on mangago is more important then sleeping   reply
26 11,2020
26 11,2020
i learnt how to contour for radiation cancer treatment ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
26 11,2020
Ive been itching and been in alot of pressure because of school my homework is piling up and my stress is stacking up too and i dont know what to do but to endure the pain like how i used to but it is somehow too much for me to handle the anxiety ive been getting through lately and the shame masking my happiness because of unattended meetings i jus......   reply
26 11,2020
Jaze 26 11,2020
Kinda suck actually. I've been contemplating on how humans are just going to school, finding jobs, finding a soulmate (always ending up settling to a worthless bastard and your love story being boring as fuck) marriage, giving birth/having a baby, then die. Fucking depressing isn't it? Fuck reality, I can't even focus on my hobbies bc of my shitty ......   1 reply
26 11,2020

wholesome shit

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