Hi. I'm a little young in age (15 yrs old) but it would be great to have friend story talk to none. of my friends really know about yaoi and/or aren't as much into yaoi. I don't really have friends in general right now either the only people I've been talking to are my sisters. My line is oaht_fangirl. I'm into yaoi,anime,manga, and kpop. I need some friends to socialize with and I think it would be awesome to make friends with people from all over the world(I'm from the US). It would also be my first time making online friends! Can also add me on snapchat or instagram!
Hello! I'm a little young aswell (14 yrs/o). I'm also looking for friends with the same interests and from different places around the world. I'll message you. My line ID is candy_with_peanuts. (●'◡'●)ノ reply