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duck army [Answer]
[DELETED] 26 11,2020
i knew it was you cunt,every damn T I M E i had to flush for you!! PLEASE FLUSH YOUR PISS YOU STANKY FOX.   reply
26 11,2020
duck army [Answer]
26 11,2020
A lizard just suddenly jump in front of me in my forehead while i was doing dishes...traumatized the fck out of me   reply
26 11,2020
duck army [Answer]
Kiyuku 2 26 11,2020
I feel you just last night my brother found a rat in our garage. I am TRAUMATIZED to go into that garage. You will never see me so down there ever again.   reply
26 11,2020
duck army [Answer]
Tyra the turtle
26 11,2020
When I was in elementary school, we weren’t allowed to eat snacks during class, so I secretly ate them and put the trash in my desk. Fast forward a month later, it was desk cleaning time... and at the back of my very chaotic desk was a very smol dead mouse. That shit traumatized me, I literally screamed. The teacher was just as disgusted as I was......   reply
26 11,2020
duck army [Answer]
vialin 26 11,2020
Fck, this just happened to me recently. I don't know who was the genius, to open the fcking drain/floor trap cover. A big ass cockroach flying swiftly ontop of me, and bristly touch my arm. Im screaming on top of my lung, running out half naked.   reply
26 11,2020
duck army [Answer]
[DELETED] 26 11,2020
Loolll I personally, cannot leave the bathroom unless I flush. Idk I just have this thing where I have to flush or I die lmao   reply
26 11,2020