I've read roughly 1,600. MAL says I've read 1,635 manga in all which includes shoujo/other but I've also read a bunch not on MAL. I only read finished manga and I tend to finish them the same day I start them. Currently I'm deciding between 7 for which I'll read first. And I plan to read roughly 3,000, the other 128 give or take are shoujo/other.
Already read 679, but I still have like 2,300+ (and counting lol) in my laptop to read
I've read roughly 1,600. MAL says I've read 1,635 manga in all which includes shoujo/other but I've also read a bunch not on MAL. I only read finished manga and I tend to finish them the same day I start them. Currently I'm deciding between 7 for which I'll read first. And I plan to read roughly 3,000, the other 128 give or take are shoujo/other.