Want To But Don't Want To Carry

OkayItsSimp OkayItsSimp 2020-11-22 00:01:55 About have kids if so how many
I don't mind kids and I actually want to have 5 maybe- but I absolutely reFUSE to carry a child. I mean.. I might do it once to satisfy my family buut I'm still against it, the thought is kinda "intrusive"? "irritable"? Idk if that's the right word..But yeah, I probably won't. So anyways I really want to adopt a whole bunch of kids/teens/whoever when I'm in my late 30s or 40s- only if I'm in a good financial situation do that that though. -w-


SODA November 22, 2020 2:05 am

That childish way of thinking about being preg will vanish once you actually do it - so keep that in mind.

OKAY IT'S SiMP O'CLOCK July 12, 2021 8:42 am

sorry I just saw this and- BAHAAHAHA 'childish way of thinking' yeah okay, whatever you say lmfao


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