I would really appreciate if y’all would stop making questions about how certain people shouldn’t do this because they are [ straight, gay, non binary, trans, etc] the way you guys phrase those type questions comes off as douche since you worded it poorly... I would like everyone to remember that 90% of the people on this site are big stupid and will attack you if they misinterpret what you’ve said, example of this happening is with TREE they made a question about how straight cis women fetishize people and a lot of people took it the wrong way (including myself x.x) because of how it was worded (my dumbass didn’t read the second point properly >…>) and people went and insulted them without even giving their argument on why what TREE was wrong to them and it didn’t really help that some of the people who were agreeing with what TREE said were also being rude and saying “ciswomen don’t have a right to a opinion on that topic” when it’s literally addressing them .... so in conclusion please think before you submit cuz you may get attacked over something you just poorly phrased and didn’t mean in a certain way and others could easily misinterpret it.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
I suck at writing so please forgive any grammar mistakes
Ok so correct me if I’m wrong but what you’re trying to say is “stop making questions about people doing problematic things cause then people will take it the wrong way and be angry instead of trying to fix the actual problem”? I- what? So you want us to just fucking leave them alone when these bitches act like pedophiles and fetishize quee......
2 reply
20 11,2020