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who tf is felix like fix it felix from wreck it ralph ? like im hella lost   2 reply
18 11,2020
Felix back? [Answer]
18 11,2020
Ok but can you not post questions about them. They’re an attention seeking hoe. Just report them and go.   1 reply
18 11,2020
Felix back? [Answer]
fingerblaster_800 18 11,2020
I'm too fucking afraid to scroll down my fucking post cause this whore literally followed this question.   reply
18 11,2020
Honestly we aren’t surprised, he’s just going to get banned again and come back after a few weeks. Bruh is like a roach.   1 reply
18 11,2020
Felix back? [Answer]
Hellish 18 11,2020
I'm dealing with a situation right now, worse than Felix, can't join in this time   reply
18 11,2020
Felix back? [Answer]
mushroom cloud 18 11,2020
yeah ikr, please just stop. i can't believe some of y'all still defended this asshole, they obviously have no good intentions   1 reply
18 11,2020
Felix back? [Answer]
Forg 18 11,2020
Fr i was just laughing   reply
18 11,2020
Felix back? [Answer]
Haru 18 11,2020
Felix is now feli_x and is currently following this question. According to their Activity page, they've already started posting bloody pics.   reply
18 11,2020

look for a therapist

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I’m disappointed in y’all smh
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