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I only reveal my true self around my female otaku friends, only they will know the struggle and beauty of life as a fujoshi~ My family would disown me if they ever found out lol, so other times it's very private.   reply
15 03,2019
I am a closeted fujoshi. Only my former best friend knows. Other than that, I'm always conscious about it in public and relatives/family. I only read it during my free time alone.   reply
16 03,2019
I mean I’d rather not have myself identify as just a fujoshi. There’s more to myself than that. People know I like yaoi but it does not define fully who I am, I’m open about it to everyone outside of my family, I don’t make much of it. My little sisters are an exception because they like yaoi too. So yeah, I don’t really like to push yaoi......   reply
16 03,2019
It's definitely not something I tell people. My guy best friend knows (to some extent) that I like BL, but not that I actively read it. I'm friends with a girl who also likes yaoi but even with her I feel that it's embarrassing to fully express how much I enjoy reading it. A couple of my friends know that I ship guys from anime shows, but I feel li......   reply
16 03,2019
I always hide that side of me, just my closest cousin and my sister know about it, I'm scared everyone figures out and be reject by them.( I've never answered a question or post something so, it's my first time! )   reply
16 03,2019
Unfortunately I don't have fujoshi friends so I can't exactly be an open minded fujoshi, so for the time being I'm a closet fujoshi. Buuut well, two guys almost kissed today. And they did the kabedon. My fragile fujoshi heart, iT'S BEATING SO MUCH-   1 reply
20 10,2017
I don't tell people about my reading habits because I don't think they care so I guess you could say I keep my reading yaoi hidden.   reply
16 03,2019
I don't really announce it to people and I don't hide it in anyway. If they would ask me if I love BL or if I'm a fujoshi then I'll tell them the truth that I am. My friends already knew that and they don't seem to care about it . They are just like "okay if that's what makes you happy then go ahead as long as you don't do drugs " lol.   1 reply
16 03,2019
As of now, no one knows. I’m not sure how my family will take it, especially since they can go from loving to super critical in a snap. And I am afraid of gossip cuz I’m a coward so no one at college knows. I do read it in public, carefully, though. I think I’m afraid because of how explicit the yaoi content can be, especially compared to sho......   1 reply
16 03,2019
All my friends know, and most of them are as well. Well my friends from uni *who are male* mostly don't read yaoi but do watch anime and do read manga. Basically they know too, and have seen yaoi before. Some even read out of curiosity. Altho I don't ship people in real life, I don't have anything against people who do :D   1 reply
16 03,2019