guilt tripping
i am so scared of people guilt tripping me, i've already experienced it when I was being groomed by a pedo. it's awful and i wish for no one to experience such a thing
But i'm also really scared of people thinking i'm guilt tripping them, or me actually guilt tripping without knowing. idk how to express my genuine sadness without sounding like a guilt-tripper. it usually happens after i experience critisism, i'm super sensitive and emotional, one once of critisism can shatter me to pieces. "i'm crying because of you" or "you're the reason i'm feeling bad" are things i might say or not depending or whether or not i want to continue engaging with the person. it could all be interpreted as guilt-tripping. but how do i draw a line? i don't want to guilt trip. how do i avoid doing it?
guilt tripping is a form of emotional manipulation and therefore more likely than not you must be aware of the fact you are doing it to ACTUALLY be doing it. never feel afraid to let your emotions out but if you feel like youre guilt tripping just make sure to read the atmosphere and bring up the fact its not your intention. guilt tripping is in fa......
26 11,2020