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I'm twenty years into our relationship. We are together for love, friendship and companionship. I have a physical disability which encompasses several interrelated conditions, and my husband has some mental and emotional health issues which makes life very interesting! We didn't get married to 'get married ' and have kids. Neither of us would b......   1 reply
09 12,2019
I say do what makes you happy. If you don't wanna be in a relationship/marriage, that's perfectly fine. Not everyone follows the same route in life. We go through our own experiences of life and time.   reply
15 10,2017
My sister is 7 years younger than me and is married since 2 years. People and family were asking me, when I will get married. And things like "At your age, I had already my first child". It was annoying. But lately, the questions decreased. My mother is just joking every time I´m going out, I should search for a son-in-law for her. I also nev......   reply
14 10,2017
I don't have a good opinion of the marriage, thank you, next. I'll be single all my life, I'm asexual! I don't want any kind of relationship and I'm fine with myself.   1 reply
26 05,2019
Don't feel bad about not wanting to get married or set up a family. It's actually the brave way to go, recognizing that this thing we're told from birth we should want is not for us. When I was 8 years old I knew a couple of things about love. 1. I didn't want to get married. 2. I had 'boyfriends' every year but the only kid that made me shy an......   reply
08 12,2019
Consider most old married couples I know are just tolerating each others... No I don't think I'll ever be in relationship in the future. The first and last time I had a gf was like 5 years ago and for sure I am not looking for another one. I know it's be lonely but so what? People look for partners just because they want to have someone to talk to,......   2 reply
16 10,2017
I think I would definitely want to get married someday, and I'll stay single until I find the right guy. It doesn't always have to work out, everyone isn't perfect, and unless you're willing to make sacrifices you'll never be happy, but after all that, at the end of the day, I think it's definitely a nice feeling to be able to come back home to you......   1 reply
16 10,2017
To be honest, I've experienced the same thing. I know I am still a bit far from proper age for marriage but people have started asking about boyfriends (even though I've been dropping hints about my questioning ass) and whenever I tell my friends or family that I would prefer to have pets over children and possibly not marry anyone they would lect......   1 reply
30 10,2017
It's your choice, no one can really force u to marry someone and make babies lol, but its your life and you should live it the way you want to bring you happiness   reply
31 10,2017
Right now I'm in a relationship, but i dont think in marriage mostly because i don't believe in that. Since children my plan was never to get marry, but i always dream in adopt. When i think in getting pregnant j just don't want that for me, all the changes the body goes through during pregnancy sound scary so i don't want a child that comes from ......   reply
08 12,2019