story time
listen up luvlies, come around the fire while i tell you the story of how i broke my leg yesterday.
Beautiful amazing Scotty was hanging out with her frends because #corona and everybody wants to die. Derek and Scotty were doing their usual banter about why they are better than the other then Derek said to Scotty
"if you're so cool then jump off the shed" Scotty knowing she would die if she jumped off but wanted to prove she was still cool she came up with an absolutely BRILLANT and said
"Ok i'll jump off onto the trampoline!" So she grabbed a latter, climbed onto her shed, and jumped off.
What happened next was quite surprising to Scotty (but probably not to anyone with common sense).
Scotty hit her leg on the edge of the trampoline, felt a sharp pain, hit her head on the ground and woke up in the hospital with a cast on her foot.
Now she is currently being yelled at by her mum, please pray for Scotty.
Oh shizzz, gurl, I broke two of my fingers one. It's okay now. But like, I have the benefit of amazingly upstanding healing genes, not trying to brag or anything like that. I am praying for ya
15 11,2020