i'm 31 years old. There are many good answer to this question.. some of my advices are written for others persons already, so i'll say 2 that i want to add or emphasize:
1- Do what you want to do. But i'm not speaking only about dreams, i'm talking about all your choices. Dont let others provoke you; dont listen to all the advices/suggestion/etc yo......
2 reply
This really hit home. Sadly.
Good answer! I'm 43 years old and you summed up the advice I give to my daughter perfectly. I always tell my daughter to listen to what other people have to say, because they see things from a different point of view, but always take the time to think about the decision carefully... 'Am I going to regret this decision?' 'What are the consequences to me if I do or don't do this?' 'How is this decision going to affect not only me, but those I am close to?' My daughter started asking herself these questions and taking time to make the important decisions and she's been so much happier.