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Honestly? I would like to be able say "yes of course". But I really don't know. I think that I'm really tolerant person and I never try to judge others by how they look or if they are ill or something. It's just a situation where you really don't know, what would you do until you find yourself in the exact situation.   reply
10 10,2017
I am disabled from birth. My husband and I are going on (nearly) twenty years together and he pursued me. He doesn't have a disability.   7 reply
10 10,2017
Fall in love?? Quite a weird question. It's said that the heart does not choose who we fall in love with but knowing that much we can easily conclude that a person falls in love with personality and then looks, so if the disabled person is not a d*ck then the answer is yes.   reply
14 10,2017
That depends on the disability? I wouldn't fall in love with a person with a inferior mental capability to me. But I could fall in love with someone who is blind, crippled etc. As long as I find them attractive, I like their personality and they are compatible with me, why not?   reply
09 11,2018
Well, of course! Love is love! Not that I want to fall in love anymore.   reply
21 02,2020
Actually I've some problem on my face. Not disability but I actually have weak response from the left side of my face since birth. Though I'm left handed, my left eye, ear, jaw are weaker than right side. I don't have problems to continue a normal life but my face is not symmetrical like normal people. Because of this I was bullied once or twice bu......   reply
10 10,2017
Depends on the disability.   reply
22 02,2020
Depends I have no idea who I will fall in love with so I think who ever it is no matter disabilitiy or not I will love them   1 reply
13 10,2017
Yes. I have fell inlove with someone who was in a wheel chair and really wanted to date her. Problem is, she was one of my best friend's sister and I was suprised when I met her when visiting him cause he had never told me about her before. He knew the kind of person I was back then, so i doubt he'd be thrilled I wanted to date his sister. I guess ......   1 reply
15 10,2017
Yeah. I'm not physically disabled but I do have a personality disorder. When it comes to friends AND lovers, I don't love people for their appearance or attractiveness, because that's too shallow and unsustainable. I love people for their character. If the person I love happened to be disabled, I wouldn't care. I mean think about it—they've gone ......   reply
21 02,2020