what do i do my moms racist
Omfg ion know what to do my fucking mom is the most racist person i have ever meet. She is so racist towards asians and like anyhting from japan. I fucking love asian men like if ur a guy and you asian your fucking hot asf like i just find them so fucking attractive but most dont hmu bc im mexican yk... anyways i am mexican and so is my family and mom says i cant like a asian guy and she dosent like the fact i watch anime and love the japan culture. Like what the actul fuck like no hunny sit down and stfu honestly like shes mom but like ion got any repect for her no more she said if i ever date an asian she will be disapointed so i told her watch me...so if there any asians out there who wanna hmu like my dms are opean lmao anyways someone ship me a new mom cause this one aint it.