Overrated BL you've read?
Y'all I'm just asking some dumb question, but what are some BLs that you think are totally overrated? (aka BL that gets ways more praise/love than you think it deserves)
Been going through the yaoi genre content with the "by views" and "by popularity" filter lately, and let's just say...I find many of them to be less than desirable, quality wise XDD I know to each their own, so I'm not saying people shouldn't like these BLs (after all I'm sure we've all got some stories we love that might not be the best thing in the world either) but just curious to u guys' opinions on some of the more popular BLs as well.
Let's respect each other's opinion though, I'm not asking this question to spark drama, but so we can have fun talking/discussing BLs! We've all got different taste afterall. One's man trash might be another man's treasure, or vice versa in this case. That said, have fun ranting in the comment section lol!
Private Lessons, Vargoth's Magical Toys, Bottomless Swamp ( Vampire Heart) , If You Hate Me So
These off the top of my head- I loved the art, just disliked the story/characters.
11 11,2020