Adopted by grandma's cat

ParkInHye ParkInHye 2017-09-10 23:34:57 About adopting cats
Well, it's not really adopting him but my mom and I took my grandma's cat home with us two years ago when she passed away. He's been in our family for 13 years ( adopted in 2004 ) so we couldn't leave him.
There was no way he would have go with my uncle and his family since they're absolutely unbearable, he would seriously have jumped from the balcony so much he would have been traumatized ( he's already seriously scared of my cousin like when they visited us, my cat would stay in my room and leave running if my cousin were to approach ). Since my cat ( and my dog ) is really precious I totally refused for him to go with my uncle ( it's not like my uncle proposed himself neither ).
Anyway, he's a real pain in the ass like he scratches or bites out of nowhere, meow at you ( well it's more like yelling / complaining to me ), sit on my stuffs ( even though some are forbidden since I'm allergic to cat), play hide-and-seek too well ( and of course doesn't answer when called ).. But he's also so cute, he talks to me ( I've interesting conversation with him everyday lol ), plays with me, share salmon with me ( he moewes at him so much almost like yelling lol)..
In the end, I really love him, he's my asshole ♡ ( its his surname but it sounds less harsh in French lol )


samie7001 September 11, 2017 6:50 am

So cute! I have a 14 year old and he is seriously my baby. We got another cat 4 years ago that just walked into our house and decided to stay and he let her! My cat is territorial so I thought it was funny. She grooms him and they get along for the most part, until the younger one gets bored and jumps him. It is great that you care for him even though you're allergic. I am so lucky that I'm not because we've had so many cats in our house since I was born.

ParkInHye September 11, 2017 9:14 pm

Well my allergic isn't that extreme, he just can't go on the things that get close to my face like cushion and I've to wash my arms like a surgeon after petting him so I'd say it's quite a cool allergy (': but I totally get you, it'd be the end of my life if I were to be allergic to dogs argh
Glad to see your cats are getting along well, that's heartwarming

asleep cake September 11, 2017 12:46 am

omg he's so cute, i'm allergic to cats too it's rly bad but i love them so much, if it is possible never give up on him, he's rly cute you're lucky, i'm dying here

ParkInHye September 11, 2017 9:00 pm

He's so cute riiiiight ( I'm totally objective of course lol) give up on him? Hell no! We've had a lot of animals in my family ( turtles, parrot, hamsters, bunnies... ) but we all took them to the furthest we could especially with our dogs ( the others animals were more like pets not family members) like you can imagine everything we did / spent to help them. I honestly don't think most of family would have done that much (':

Kerrrr September 11, 2017 12:28 am

He looks like a spoiled little shit. How nice :3
I'm allergic to cats too, HIGH FIVE, FELLOW HARDCORE AWESOME PERSON!!! I can't imagine life without mine, and he knows it.
What a heartwarming post, thank you for sharing it. When my father passed I had to euthanize his 11 year old cat for several reasons. It's became one of those things, you know? Those seemingly small things that end up changing who you are and other people kinda don't get it. Your story lifted me up a little, thanks!!!

ParkInHye September 11, 2017 9:10 pm

HIGH FIVE FELLOOOOW like you know he can't go on my cushion otherwise hello annoying cold or if I pet him I have to wash until my elbow like a surgeon before a surgery and everything, quite annoying I'd say lol
but honestly I'm more like I can't live without a dog ( since well after the 6the dog I know they aren't immortal ), Pimpon ( his name + the sound of fire truck siren, wasnt supposed to be his name but when we came back he had changed lol) is my one and only cat and if I were to chose myself I wouldn't pick a cat-
But glad my little asshole cheered you up! ( not sure you'd like him that much if you were to really see how much a traitor he is lol)


adopting cats

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