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Me looking at the street and wondering if ill remember it and i still remember it   reply
05 11,2020
A bottle of hair serum fell on top of my head and I took hours of bath after that   reply
05 11,2020
In a bathroom, crouching down and playing with dolls. I didn't know I started to shit. My mom caught me playing and shitting in the tiles. Lol i got beaten up cuz of it   reply
05 11,2020
Getting my head stuck in between wooden planks on my gram gram's balcony at midnight...and i remember it took a while fpr my head to get out of it whole family was there too so that was a crazy night and also it was kinda scary for the tiny lil me so a few years later she got it coverd ..sooo yea i also wonder how my head got stuck there   reply
05 11,2020
05 11,2020
being left by someone who never returned again   reply
05 11,2020
There was this book in kindergarten that has picture of cartoon shit so I touch it and start chasing my classmates trying to touch them with my poopoo infected hands and everyone running for dear life.   reply
05 11,2020
I think it was me holding a baby bottle with my nubby hands and trying to desperately suck the milk out because the nipple was clogged.   reply
05 11,2020
When I was 6, my sis and I went to the toy store and she got hit by a car on the way in front of me. I remember being in the hospital with her while doctors were trying to reach my parents.   2 reply
05 11,2020
Ahem, I have a lot of crazy memories so excuse me... 1. I almost got burned by a candle cause I was a fucking dumbass 5 or 6 y/o kid that put her hand willingly into the fire 2.Almost got hit by a car on the street but my mom pulled me before I got hit, and when she asked why I did that and do I wanna go to heaven I answered "yes" when she asked......   reply
05 11,2020
i stapled my finger because i wanted to know what would happen LMAOAO honestly i dont really remember what happened after but it obviously hurt   reply
05 11,2020

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