Sometimes I wonder if hatred and infatuation/lust have more in common than i originally thought. Both require you to be overly concerned about a person. But with hatred, your concern for a person is very negative and destructive. Whilst with infatuation your concern for a person can be many things depending on the way you love; but hopefully its more positive! At the root of both obsession is strong.
sometimes i love someone so much i start to hate their guts but it's never the other way around. if i originally hate someone i will continue hating them reply
It's alright, I'm not saying that it's bad thing. Some forms of hate and love/infatuation/love aren't as hardcore as others.
I was mainly noting it down from the more toxic relationships i've experienced or seen- when some people are so obsessed that the love becomes pure spiteful hatred....
I'm not sure regarding child/parent relationships but I...... reply