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Himemeow 27 08,2017
One of the things I regret (I'm in my 3rd year) is that not being gutsy enough to join extracurricular activites/clubs and the student council. I had the position asa a representative at the palm of my hands, and I wasted it. Also, I always thought that joining clubs were a pain and "will join if when I'm in my 3rd year or something" and well, shit......   reply
27 08,2017
university is freedom and you can do lots of things, learn new stuff, so all i want you to do is to have focus on your priority and things you really want to do and to know when to have a good time and when to study hard because in university its so easy to slip so just remember have "boundaries".. good luck and have fun :)   1 reply
27 08,2017
27 08,2017
Uni is also a place to socialize and make friends that you might treasure for life. I found it hard at first but also most rewarding to go out of my way and start a conversation, make a compliment or a joke. You will see these people again and again so it is actually a perfect way to make friends. Remember people are usually just as awkward at firs......   reply
27 08,2017
Miwa 27 08,2017
Make schedules and stick to them! The hardest part about university is time management. If you want good grades, you have to be very organized and disciplined. Make a schedule and stick to it. There are videos on youtube on tips for managing time in university. Also, don't be afraid to speak to your professors when you need help. It might be inti......   reply
27 08,2017
Well it depends where your uni is and how your studies are organized. But in general you could expect the best and the hardest time of your life. You should find new friends in your courses. You are all new and don't know anyone their so everyone is maybe a bit shy. It is the best to talk to people and finding frinds will be easy. There will be a ......   reply
27 08,2017
Xsmisee 27 08,2017
How exciting! University definitely is the time of your life and way better as an experience than most people have for high school. Definitely use the time to explore/try out for extracurriculars or participate in as many events as possible. Also try to have a conversation with your advisor or whatever is available that schedules your classes becau......   reply
27 08,2017
27 08,2017
Be prepared and study to some degree. I am a second year uni student and have a pitch to present in the coming hours... I am sitting here reading manga instead of preparing and let me tell you, I am stressed... haHAA. mmm first year of uni was okay, there were alot of first year students in my units so I easily became friends with them. I also me......   1 reply
27 08,2017
27 08,2017
i just started my univ life for like a month and honestly it was a bit overwhelming since i studied abroad where everything is different but! IM GUNNA DO MAH BEST!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ but i still need to talk to people more lol im so anxious about talking to others because im afraid they couldnt hear me or they dont understand what i meant :(   reply
27 08,2017

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