Learned foreign langauges.

[DELETED] [DELETED] 2017-08-25 00:33:41 About learn foreign languages
My native language is Welsh. Other langauges I am fluent in are French, English and Japanese. In my primary school, English wasn't a subject that was taught, instead we had French (for some unknown reason). Therefore I didn't actually start learning English until I started secondary school, at age 11. Around age 12 I started learning Japanese speaking and then at 13/14 I started learning how to read and write. Other than that, I'm able to understand German and Spanish but can't communicate very well in the langauges, due to not having verbal practice. (ㆁωㆁ*)


Hiki / LZ August 27, 2017 1:54 pm

Haha, Welsh is an awful langauge to learn if you're studying it as a second langauge, with all the ll, ch, and 'treiglo', but keep at it and it'll be worth it. It's a lovely language imo (unless it's South Walian >:( ) and a lovely place to visit, especially if you've got family there. The only tips I can give for learning it is to practice speaking it with a Welsh speaker, either in person or over the phone and maybe watch some Welsh programmes with subtitles? Same goes for Japanese. Both langauges are surprisingly similar, with how words are pronounced and how expressive the langauges are, with how you can use one word to describe something that'd take 20 in english. Sorry I've just realised I was rambling a bit and had completely missed the point of the reply haha. Basically, just keep at it. They're both difficult langauges to learn, it took me about 4 years of casual learning to become fluent in japanese, which is quite a long time. がんばれ and dal ati! (๑•ㅁ•๑)✧

Mameiha August 25, 2017 12:59 am

I'm jealous. I'm currently studying Japanese and Welsh. Pretty disparate languages, I know, but Wales and Japan are two places that I am determined to visit one day. I have family members from both places and I would like to see my "roots" (Wales) and my branches (Japan). All of my family from my mother's side are from Wales and I have an aunt, from my husband's family, who was born and raised in Hiroshima, Japan. I've been studying Japanese for just over two years and I have just recently begun studying Welsh.


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