Guys we need to stop
This is an illegal website, not Twitter. We aren't uncivilized people that don't know how to act.
This drama started because someone posted their so-called "Opinion" I do NOT agree with them in the slightest and I am against everything they stand for. Now we have someone else AGREEING and that is putting everyone into an uneasy state. But guys aren't we better than this? We're old enough to know this is fucking CHILDISH and STUPID. I'm tired of all this drama, really.
And hey, I'm not trying to say "oH wE sHouLd JuSt hUg iT oUt aNd It WiLl bE oKaY" NO! We need to act MATURE and stop paying these trolls any attention. Any other time I would say "We can just ignore them" but in reality, this isn't getting any better if more people started agreeing with them. Do you know what I hate? Drama! Yes, you may see me replying to these trolls, so call me a hypocrite, but we can't just watch people get offended and let them be alone.
It's sad we came to this, really it is. Come on guys, WE'RE BETTER THAN THIS!!
at this point, i dont care if i seem immature. calling me a nigger and a faggot is an instant "youre absolute garbage" in my book. calling out someone for being trans was already enough for me to hate them but i wouldve still sat on the sidelines to watch this go down, but nigger is a word that affects me and my WHOLE family. faggot too. its someth......
03 11,2020