Fujoshis & Other Things
I’ve never posted a question on here but I think this still falls under the guidelines considering I want to talk about things that happen in mangas, manhwas etc.
I want to talk to anyone who may be a self proclaimed fujoshi on here and see why u proclaim yourself as that as well as the connotations that surround fujoshis.
The next question I have is for anyone in general about how you guys feel about the normalization of rape, forced coercion, dubious consent, and other things of this nature in mangas, manhwas etc.
These types of things happen very often in stories and as a gay man who consumes these things in hopes of seeing a representation of myself in entertainment it can make me upset and also sad that this is what is in a good majority of stories that I see. That there are things that are just glossed over that are not okay. That people tend to excuse it and maybe see it as normal ? because of how often they see it. Letting it go because it’s fiction or that’s just BL.
Even as fictional things it hurts to see these things because people might view this as some type of reality that you imagine this to be what love between two men or any lgbt couple looks like, when that is definitely not the case.
I want to have conversations about this with people who also consume this type of media as well, please tell me what you think and why?
For me, I personally am there for the romance. There's this weird thing that happens to my torso and legs (god knows what) which resembles a pang of idk kind of like nervousness but like it feels good??? its not like lust or anything but i always feel it when reading shounen ai, and only BL (never romance or gl, tho im not saying i hate those genre......
1 reply
03 11,2020