aS A sTrAiGhT pERs0n bEiNg cAlLeD straggot iS vErY oFfEnSivE.
Are you tired of being oppressed as a straight person?
Are you tired of getting kicked out of your family, getting bullied at school, and being called a straggot? *audience gasps*
Well then why don't you just be part of the lgbtq+ community?
Being part of the lgbtq+ community solves all your problems, all the the questions you saw before will disappear and everyone will love you!. Take straggotisnotaslur to become part of the lgbtq+ community.
Some side effects include SUDDEN:-
BABP (Boss ass bitch personality)
NGAF (Not giving a fuck)
HTBTOYL (Having the best time of your life)
GWYIC (Getting with your ideal crush)
BHAF (Being hot as fuck)
For the people who don’t understand, i’m pretty sure this is meant to be ironic and is referencing another question where some person was going on about how straggot is a slur and you shouldn’t call straight people it, although if this is quoting the question i think it is, the original question literally had the f word mentioned in it so qui......
02 11,2020