aS A sTrAiGhT pERs0n bEiNg cAlLeD straggot iS vErY oFfEnSivE.
Are you tired of being oppressed as a straight person?
Are you tired of getting kicked out of your family, getting bullied at school, and being called a straggot? *audience gasps*
Well then why don't you just be part of the lgbtq+ community?
Being part of the lgbtq+ community solves all your problems, all the the questions you saw before will disappear and everyone will love you!. Take straggotisnotaslur to become part of the lgbtq+ community.
Some side effects include SUDDEN:-
BABP (Boss ass bitch personality)
NGAF (Not giving a fuck)
HTBTOYL (Having the best time of your life)
GWYIC (Getting with your ideal crush)
BHAF (Being hot as fuck)
kay... so my dumbass didnt know what a straggot was and so i searched it up and LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.the definitions and the examples killed me
02 11,2020