雪 2017-08-13 14:35:32 About stalking
When I was in high school I got this huge crush for this guy, so I was really obssesed with him like ... for 4 years, he was one grade above me.
I always followed him around with my friends ( LOL that was so dumb of me... my poor friends) in the break between classes , or whenever I had the time to do it. I tried to talk to him once but he wasn't so nice that time so.. I never tried again, until I met his cousin and she was SUCH A BIG HELP. Anyways to sum I danced with the guy at his prom I don't stalk him anymore because okay he's beautiful but I'm not his type so okay I'll let him be.

since then I haven't stalked anyone, but I really loooove doing it when someone catches my interest.


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