A fujoshi's last will & testament pt. 2
One day later since I posted this thread- (
http://www.mangago.me/thing/about/136769/?filter=date#about_136772)- I'd like to update yall because some people were looking for closure. FEMALE PARENTAL UNIT REMAINS OBLIVIOUS TO MY SECRET YAOI LIFE! I REPEAT, FEMALE PARENTAL UNIT REMAINS OBLIVIOUS TO MY SECRET YAOI LIFE!
I got up this morning expecting to be cussed out and ass whooped like half the comments were predicting, but she just smiled at me and gave me back my computer!! I almost had a heart attack istg I didn't sleep a wink last night. the yaoi gods really were watching over me and activated fashionlib block or sum :')
Thanks to everyone who supported me and prayed for me in that stressful time. your kind words really meant a lot to me and I will forever hold them dear to my heart. im also stealing all yall's reaction memes if that's ok.
And let this serve as a warning to those of yall who don't clear their browser history. if you're at risk like me, be sure to clear your history each session, or better yet just use incognito. Mark my words, never again do I want to experience the suspended horror of my mother finding out I read literary works with titles such as "Daddy tastes like butter". Never again.
The yaoi gods are always watching until they aren't....then you're skrewed. I was lowkey painting my nails black for your funeral, hell, I even sorted through the mess that is my closet and found a black D R E S S.
Fukin dissapointed, congrats tho.
But like, damn.....funeral ╥﹏╥
01 11,2020