I’m studying about the US this year....how do you feel about your country?
Hi guys, not to get political but I kinda wanted to do this to know more about other people’s opinions though this is the last place to ask this. I study politics in the UK for my A-levels (kinda like college but we have two year, Year 12 and Year 13) and we study about two countries, Uk in Year 12 and the US in Year 13 which is what I’m doing right now. I’ve been keeping up with recent.....madness that’s been occurring in the US right now and as we get closer to the Election day. How do you feel about the state that your country is in right now and.....I hate to even say this but what would it mean for you if Trump was re-elected?
I hope you guys stay safe and healthy.
America fucking sucks and I want to move to Canada.
30 10,2020