School is killing me
I've had this killer headache for the past few days and I haven't been able to focus my brain on doing any work so everything's just been piling up.
I don't have a proper chair so whenever I'm doing classes or attempting to finish whatever work is in front of me, I end up slouching which resulted in my very stiff back so now I have to deal with that as well.
I've been staying up way too late worrying about the next day and attempting to get the motivation to do work so now my eyes started to act up and went bloodshot, particularly my right eye. It recovered after sleeping but everything is a little blurry on that eye now which sucks.
Anyway... What I'm trying to say is that I think I'm about to die. My anxiety and blood pressure is over the stratosphere so if life ever just slaps me with a heart attack at any point in time, I hope it's quick and I actually die.
Au revoir.