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i can 100% understand this and relate to this!! what a lot of people tend to not understand is that it's not simply just about girls reading yaoi, but rather about STRAIGHT girls reading yaoi. if ur straight and u prefer yaoi over shoujo then whatever, that's fine, nobody is criminalizing you for that since shoujo often has no depth to their storie......   1 reply
26 07,2017
I have a simple reason of reading yaoi; I do not care of staring tits and pussies on my screen, I find majority of shoujo manga grills so annoying that I'd rip my hair off before making it to the end of the story. Hawt male bodies my way   reply
19 01,2018
I really I identify with you about the general preference for male charicters in books, films and and even with things like prefering male singers. At the age of about 13 I first discovered mxm erotia books and have been addicted to them ever since. A few weeks ago someone brought up the connection between yaoi and girls identifying as asexual and ......   reply
26 07,2017
i read yaoi because i'm attracted to boys. also, as a trans male (only mentioning this because it's relevant to my explanation) i find it very hard to identify with female characters. the generic everyday shoujo manga just isn't fun for me to read. i can't stand the archetypes, the drama, and all that junk. of course fetishizing REAL GAY PEOPLE is ......   reply
26 07,2017
Everyone, thank you for your answers. They're all extremely well-thought, interesting and succeed to put into words a lot of feelings I could not even express myself (I'm terrible at english and at organizing my thoughts sorry) but that are so spot on! And a lot of the explanation you gave made me understand the whole situation better. I definitely......   1 reply
26 07,2017
I like reading yaoi because I enjoy seeing two males fall in love with each other no matter what obstacles they may face. Homo couples tend to experience greater hardships than your average hetero couple but being in a relationship is hard either way. On other days, I just read yaoi for the porn because it is a guilty pleasure of mine to read about......   reply
27 07,2017
Well... I read just because I love them. I've never really thought deeply before but I guess I feel good to be in a neutral position. In case of shoujo manga I often imagine myself in the female character's place and end up thinking that I would have done better if I were her. So shoujo mangas often annoy me. Almost every shoujo manga has a female ......   reply
25 07,2017
Your post and experiences are all to which I can relate. No joke to the point that the answer to your latter questions are already explained by your post. Thanks for putting it in better words than I ever could have.   reply
25 07,2017
I really appreciate your thoughts because I can relate to a lot of them as someone who has read yaoi from a young age and didn't like how a lot of het relationships were portrayed in stories. There are some good stories out there but they're harder to find (I recently started reading a little jousei genre which kind of fits that bill). I also agree......   reply
25 07,2017
I only read it when I don't have anything else to do.I don't remember how I started reading it, but I do remember I started reading some 'normal' manga first and I thought something was missing.I mean, there was a couple but nothing happened in the ones I saw-not even a kiss. Now, I don't enjoy the explicit yaois out there nor I read them because I......   reply
25 07,2017