Taking virginity too seriously or too lightly?
First things first, I lack both sympathy and empathy, so I apologize beforehand if I end up offending people.
So really I'm wondering if I'm taking virginity too seriously or other people are just taking it too lightly. As I was growing up I was always told that virginity was really important and it should only be lost to the one you love. I'm assuming it's because of this I believe you should wait until you're married.
I'm horrified seeing tons of people lose it when they're a teen, just 'experiencing', or before they're married. In all honesty, I'm disgusted and don't have very good opinions about those people. I could never understand why you would do such a thing, even if you use protection there is still a chance of pregnancy. Although the chance is very low, you still can't pretend it's 0...
Plus, usually they break up anyway, then when they do find the right person they no longer have it. Is it just not as important as I thought it was? However, I am obviously still aware that you can still divorce even after marriage but I don't know...
Again, I apologize that this came out harshly but it's my honest opinion, not trying to fight with anyone or anything. I just want others thoughts on this.
(Also I'm a teenager)
If your virginity is important to you, than its important! Just try not to judge others too harshly for something you have a different perspective on. Additionally, if you do decide to have sex before marriage, you should do it because you want to and not be ashamed afterwards. If it's consensual with both parties, it's a beautiful thing.
(I'm an......
1 reply
28 08,2017
I highly disagree with you and I hope you understand that. Im christian so I know that sex before marriage is a sin but personally I don't care. I already am experiencing and I'm super young. Just don't judge anyone because they have sees at a certain age. That's fucked up....
2 reply
28 08,2017
I think sex is a natural thing, even so for every person is different and how you said some people like to know and experiment how it feels, other preffer to wait until marriage, others to find someone they feel really love.. and it's ok to think like that, is nothing bad we are just different and think different, the bad thing is when someone is f......
4 reply
28 08,2017
Sex is the most natural thing you can have, and if your partner is good, you're gonna have a good time. Why would having sex makes you such a disgusting person? It gives both sides pleasure, if you use protection it's pretty unlikely that you'll get pregnant, so why waste your life?
1 reply
16 11,2017
I'm conflicted, kinda feel the same way, hell I even think that without it I would be the same as other women but then I tell myself that culture teaches women that their virginity is something very important and that type of thinking sets back the rights women fought and are fighting for, to do with their bodies as they please, shaming women for t......
2 reply
26 07,2017
I don't think I'm taking virginity lightly or anything. It's different when it's related to others because there's social judgment and pressure of course. But as far as i'm concerned, virginity is not that kind of a deal. Sure, you shouldn't give it to the the first personn you met in the street. But it's just a concept, something you will loose ve......
2 reply
20 08,2017
I take it veeeeery lightly, for me it doesn't mean anything, your body and mentality don't change so nothing happens and since I'm lesbian it rly doesn't matter
2 reply
20 08,2017
I think that virginity is taken too lightly these days. A lot of people just want to get rid of it quickly, like it's some kind of virus ;) Of course it's their business, but as a possible demisexual (and a virgin at age 22) I can't understand them at all. I can't understand a conception of one-night stand, sex friends and generally sex without fee......
2 reply
22 07,2017
The importance of it depends on the individual, how their raised, what their beliefs are, how the personally feel about sharing an intimate experience with someone. If a person isn't comfortable opening up on that sort of level with someone before marriage then for them, it is probably best that they wait until they are in the right frame of mind t......
1 reply
22 07,2017
Hi, I'm grateful for this question as it shows that there are still teenagers who actually care about themselves. I'm NOT trying to say that people who lost their virginity are disgusting or anything like that. But it's honestly great to see people who actually stop and think before they do sex.
As for your question, no, you're not taking it too......
1 reply
28 08,2017