Cheating bastard :)

Shut_Up_Loser Shut_Up_Loser 2020-10-24 04:56:27 About broke up
soo I was in this relationship for about a month, thankfully since he was a piece of shit. And at first it was going really well and he was super nice and considerate, but that only lasted for maybe a week and a half? I first noticed something was up when he started to blow off our plans but of course since I liked him I just kinda thought nothing of it cause I trusted him. And every time I’d try and make plans he’d be like “oh sorry I’m busy” “oh I can’t make it something came up” like I’m your girlfriend can’t you give me like 4 hours of your day for a date? He also had a girl bsf that he was super close with before we started dating, and I mean like they’d touch each other’s shoulders, tease, and do other shit which I thought was suspicious before we started dating but of course I just brushed it if cause I liked him. So we’re 3 weeks into this relationship and I find out from one of my friends that he’s been over at her house almost every time we had a date planned (like after he’d cancel it) cause she was a close friend of his girl bsf. And so I confront him about it and he goes “oh well we’re not doing anything since her family has always been there” and a whole bunch of other shit so I let it go but I’m like super suspicious two weeks go by and we go to a party and I see them kissing in the hallway of the hosts house. Sooo long story short don’t be a dumbass and if you notice things confront your parter about them :) (also it’s been about 6 months since that and I figured out I’m bi and I now am talking to this wonderful girl who hopefully becomes my gf so I guess things worked out in the end haha)


(● ̄(エ) ̄●)✧ February 26, 2024 5:52 am

wishing u the best, dude is the worst. I always hope karma gets em.

✨yaoiaddict✨ November 7, 2020 9:54 am

Can u pls drop his address dont worry I just wanna talk ( • ω• )
I'm so happy for you ≧∇≦ u deserve all the happiness in the world hope your doing good ≧ω≦

coelho69 October 25, 2020 12:11 am

tell me his name and address i just wanna talk

stoopidbij October 24, 2020 5:12 am

Bruh can u drop his address so i can bat both him and that homewrecker hoe tf im so mad but happy for u that u were a supportive gf despite being in a toxic relationship :( supporting u a whole LOT for ur upcoming relo and hopin it'll b a healthy one too sis <333

bully me October 24, 2020 5:12 am

men are trash, they should be locked in cages

coronavirus October 24, 2020 5:00 am

hopefully you get the girl I wish you luck


broke up

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