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For me, and it seems I am not alone, the only positive aspect of the omegaverse universe is the fact that men can bear children. As a fan of mpreg, it pleases me greatly to have more mpreg stories to read. However, there is a pretty heavy price to pay, within omegaverse, for this male pregnancy benefit. Second class status, brutality, lack of freed......   reply
21 07,2017
I hate to say it, but it kind of makes me uncomfortable. I used to like it, but only the Alpha, Beta Omega concepts tho. I am not into mpreg, but I have seen stories where the Seme and Uke had boys where the older bro resembles the seme, and the younger one a cuter version of the uke, those stories kind of make me liked it for a short period of tim......   reply
22 07,2017
I enjoy it alot, depending on how the story is written. If its just an excuse for rape, I'll usually hate it. But if there is a thorough plot being illustrated out, I'll find it quite amazing. For example, the manga Remnant has a beautiful story, and the rape portrayed in it, is not romanticized.   reply
23 07,2018
I have been told that "Omgaverse" is some new term for M-Preg. I do NOT approve of it at all. Not only do children RUIN the romantic & sexual aspects of a relationship & force the relationship to revolve around being financially & emotionally responsible brats for the next 18+ years, but it also defeats the purpose of the characters being MALE.   reply
22 07,2017
I like the concept of Omegaverse itself, but the way it's portrayed in some manga is where I began to dislike it a bit. Some manga present it as a regular yaoi but with the added hey look the uke can get pregnant. Some also present it as the whole sort of mystical soul mates shtick, and two people are drawn together supernaturally or however. Other......   reply
22 07,2017
depends on the author. as a whole the stories range from meh to awful but there are *some* decent ones.   1 reply
22 07,2017
I really don't like it. And is it just me or omegaverse manga(s) somehow kinda look the same(art) even if the mangaka(s) are different?   reply
22 07,2017
Omegaverse is my favourite thing in the whole world - I have a cum fetish and risky sex is just And then the whole animalistic thing and possessive marking and biting is just the hottest thing in the world BUT here’s the actual important part - if it’s just rape porn then I’m not down. If they fall in love and if they become a cute couple t......   reply
22 12,2019
Hate the tropes associated with it. I've gone on record of saying I hate rape justification and power imbalance in yaoi, and those are the two primary tropes I've seen in omegaverse stories, yaoi or otherwise. I'm also not too keen on humans with animalistic behavior and dialogue, especially when it's used to justify those tropes. Mpreg is a toss u......   reply
23 12,2019
I wouldn’t say I hate it but it’s absolutely not my taste. I just don’t fully understand the whole concept of it. Most of the stories I read are the same, the virgin inexperienced omega goes in heat or sth and there happens to be an alpha nearby and they fuck. What even is a beta? I’m too uninterested to find out tbh.   reply
16 09,2019