look I know i was a mistake thers no way my parents just happened to have another kid after my siblings were like 12 years old but anywayyyy do you guys actually have nice siblings? Mine are such assholes
like my sister always makes me do her shit for her and never says thank you and if I don't do it she calls me a spoiled brat and I shouldn't have been born like your almost 21 thought you would be more mature by now....my brother is chill but he's such a know it all reply
I have four im the eldest believe me I'd trade them for a dog this is how much i hate them especially the second one i might kill him one of these days reply
I have 3 sisters and they are all crazy. Fortunately, they aren't that bad to me for some reasons I never was able to figure out, but to everyone else they are crazy bitch, specially to their boyfriend. reply