I honestly don't know...but would want to...
I have liked people to the point of being possessive or being melodramatic over them, but after a while, I quickly let go of whatever "feelings" I have for them. If I gain total possession of a certain person, I grow bored, and just release and move on to the next one. For now, I think I can safely say I have never been totally, hopelessly, madly in love like an idiot, maybe that's why I rely mostly with manga to fill that gaping hole in myself. Wouldn't mind getting that stupid feeling of inexplicable happiness overwhelm me in the near future...(▰˘◡˘▰)
Oh shit I relate so much too this xD I've had some boyfriends and girlfriends through the years and I often end up breaking up with them when "I grow bored" of them. You know I still think they're nice but in every relationship I've had it always comes too a point where it feels like they are suffocating me... You know the Sub/Dom stuff? Yea I always end up being the Dom and I don't want that, after a while they start pleading me and telling me how much they love me in a way that's pathetic... I'm sorry, I know I sound like an asshole but it's just something I can't control... I just want to find that person who can tear down my Tsundere walls and "dominate" me (xD). I often take charge and pretend to be so strong and confident, while on the inside I'm more insecure than anyone. I don't wan't to be the Dom, I want someone too make me submit too them and "have me beg for mercy". If you understand...? Yeah okay this probably made 0 sense too you guys but I just felt like finally getting this of my chest... (=・ω・=)
Hahaha. I can totally relate with this. It'll happen, when you find that person you never want to let go of and never wants to let go of you. It just takes time and it's fun to mess around while you're waiting for it. :) Best to have lots of fun experiences so you know what "right" feels like once you find it. Best of luck!
I look forward to it! If it will really turn me into a hodge-podge of sickeningly-sweet love feels. Ahahaha, I wonder if it's as heart-warming as manga and other people describe it to be.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧