Lesbian here. Most people tend to think I'm strange or weird because I enjoy male on male readings, animations, etc. They usually tell me I'm not a lesbian since I enjoy these kinds of things and honestly it's quite annoying. I don't understand why they assume they can identify my sexuality simply for having my own personal interests. Most fujoshis......
3 reply
Same, it's really annoying when people say that you're not a "real" lesbian because you can enjoy reading (sometimes) more yaoi than yuri.( ̄へ ̄)
Yeah, they tend to behave so influential through giving out what they think about this about that. Well, if they truly love or care for you, they should be sensitive enough to feel how you might feel if they say this and that and they should be open to you unhesistantly. When will really people understand that gender-branding nowadays should be fluent and not be forced. Herher.
I tried to be gay or at least bi if that counts. My mom came out as a lesbian when I was 5-6. She stole her husbands girlfriend-no lie. But I always found men strange and contradictory. They were desperately horny but would then do things that made you not want to do shit with them again. Like when I was 14 this guy played five mins in the closet with me and I did him a favor and gave him head even though I was not into him at all. A few days later the other guys on the football team he was on cornered me at the lockers asking me if I gave ___ oral sex. I wouldn't even talk to him then bc I was getting harrased for sex by guys that called me a slut behind my back yet where I could hear them. Guys just made very little sense to me. I figured if a girl deigns to give a dude sex when she's not into him he would think she's awesome. The only male influences in my life were gay men, my ex step dad who worshiped women and my dad who want around much and abused my step mom and his kids and even though I adored him I hated being alone with him and he scared me. My step dad was anti macho, he had wanted to breastfeed my brother and did the cooking and cleaning. My mom used to say if he could suddenly become a woman he would and he'd be a leasbian. So when I grew up and stared dating I was always perplexed my men. I was also terrified of getting hurt after I got my heart broken at 16 so it was years before I fell in love again. But in that time I really tried to be with women. I wasn't grossed out by sex with them but didn't find it sexy either. Eventually I cracked the guy code 10 years later when I lived with the only other boyfriend I actually fell in love with. It was like a lightbulb going off when I realized guys are pretty simple to understand. I always thought women were pretty easy to understand and men were complicated and mysterious. I was wrong. It probably also didn't help that I was born a little off. My family thinks if I was growing up in the 2000's I'd be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. But anyways I do think if I became really close with a woman who looked like a cute guy and if I developed a "girl crush" I might have a different result. All my experimentations were with women I didn't know. Women I meet at a party and we'd drunkenly make out or a female at a bar who was bi curious would realize I was super open about sexuality and would use me to experiment with. I think bc I'm not naturally attracted to women feelings would need to be involved. The same way with my first love who at first I wasn't at all attracted to but after I fell in love with him I would get turned on when we made out. Conversely a year after we broke up and he wanted me back ((he broke my heart, pulverized it) I realized I no longer felt anything when he kissed me. Where when I was in love with him i would feel physically hot, my cheeks would flush and i felt like I couldn't get close enough to him I now felt nothing but faint disgust. . Before my heart would have an exquisite ache as well, but when I was no longer in love with him I just wanted to get done with the kissing. Long answer for a simple question