Lowkey need help awk situation with a guy
I honestly don't know how the question system works on here, where this will show up or if I'm even posting this in the right place but here goes nothing.
Last weekend I was at a houseparty, it was pretty small and everyone was outside. I was practically blackout when I started making out with this guy. I swear I only remember kissing three ish times but my friends told me it was more. Anyways in the past he was interested in one of my best friends, she only rejected him the week before, she said he weirded her out with how clingy he was. After that night he kept texting me about literally anything, starting with asking if I was hungover then just randomly about my day. It's been a week and I am about to see him for another party on Monday.
Any advice on how to make it clear I'm not interested? I don't want to be rude or jumping the gun I just want to make it clear I don't have feelings and never will.
Sometimes you just have to give it to them straight or say you're in love with somebody else. He's screaming real weird energy. I'm not sure about other ways just don't get caught up with creeps. Stay safe
11 10,2020