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My face   2 reply
05 10,2020
*warning read on your own accord I don't wanna ruin your day* There was this pretty young lady who came to live in our town. She was a nice lady but she used to flirt a lot with everyone (not in a bad way). After a long time of staying in our town she just disappeared until 3 days later her body was found hanging on a tree in a near by ......   3 reply
05 10,2020
the man who stabbed his wife in front of my primary school lived across the street...   1 reply
05 10,2020
My mom and sis came across a flasher and my mom got mugged but she pulled a 180 on them and threw hands   1 reply
05 10,2020
the little girl that used to live in my house was once chased by my neighbor while his dick was sticking out of may not be scary but it definitely is weird and disgusting. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸   1 reply
30 11,2020
That there's literally nothing here, no park, no fast food chains, no events, like NOTHING, it's like a dead town   3 reply
05 10,2020
1) a girl got possessed and many priests came and exorcism shit happened. ( now she is fine). [That shit was so scary] 2) A woman was stabbed in her face by her "boyfriend" because she didn't pick up his call. [like the fuck?] 3) a girl got gang raped and no police case happened. [Justice system is fucked up here] There are lot's and lot's thing......   1 reply
30 11,2020
The amount of murders here is seriously baffling   reply
03 12,2020
One more creepy thing that happened in my town actually happened at my house. When I was 12 I had a puppy, she had a lot of health issues and ended up dying at like 3/4 months old. We had a little funeral for her (yes guys I’m sentimental) and buried her in our backyard. The next day I visited her but I kept feeling really weird and unsettled l......   reply
03 12,2020
1.-That a girl suffered a rape attempt a few blocks away from my house, she was attacked by a group of teens that used to live in my neighborhood. 2.- That the new neighbors were kidnappers and had kidnapped the son of the family that lived a few houses away from them.   3 reply
05 10,2020


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