So.......a few months age i think like 2 months ago i read my first BL and is what we're reading is really fetishizing Yaoi? I would like to know your opinions! Thank you!
nope. just read what ever the fuck you want, don't let it affect your reality and don't fetishize any group of people. yaoi is very different from actual mlm couples. if you want more information about this, please find one of the sixteen posts about this same topic i've seen this week. :)
okay that's said and done. now look at fanboy...... 2 reply
Yeah, Bl/Yaoi is a weird genre of litterature... I think it's okay. Just like you can read smut stories of a man and woman, they might not always be realistic representations but as long as you're aware of that fact and don't start wishing you had a sex change just to recreate a yaoi scene (is it fucked ? Yes ! But sadly some people think it's okay...... 1 reply